March 14, 2010

Recent Acquisitions, Book Edition

I just about died when I saw this.

Oh and I forgot to add one other thing to the previous "recent acquisitions" post.  How could I forget this one??  I really like it, but it gives me a very "Sharon Jones & Dap Kings" kind of feel.  Which is not a bad thing, but all the same...  Anyways, it's probably just Kylie.  She sounds a lot like her.

Now onto the recent acquisitions.  I have heard nothing about any of these books (besides Vonnegut, which was recommended to me), and so I'm hoping that I got a good spread and that I'll be able to get through them.  Ha, I never thought I'd say that.  But honestly 2010 so far has not been fantastic and I've had a lot of trouble reading, so hopefully this'll get me out of my funk.  And it seriously is a funk - I've been trying to read Persuasion for like a month and I'm only 1/3 of the way through.  And not interested. So, so, so sad.

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