October 30, 2008
If you've got a moment
I love this photo because of the contrast between her face and everyone else's faces. Just look at it! Her expression is saying, "Nope! Mhm-mm... not saying a thing!" And she's just casually looking off to the side, like, "Next". And I LOVE the magnifying glass she has attached to her necklace (if that's what it is).
October 26, 2008
Joni and Chan
October 23, 2008
why iGoogle is the coolest thing to have happened to my computer since sliced bread
October 20, 2008
October 18, 2008
Guess Who?
Yes, it's Marilyn Monroe. I can't explain why I like this picture so much. She just looks so natural, I guess. I was going to say "normal", but Marilyn would never, could never have been, "normal". I get the feeling that if she woke up one morning and had to pick someone to "be" that day, this would be it.
October 13, 2008
um, excuse me, Prego, could you do problem #6?
Henceforth, I will try to say something unexpected to someone every day.
October 11, 2008
Happy Saturday?
So here I go.
October 6, 2008
My odd obsession with South Carolina
There are many, many obscure reasons why I love South Carolina, but for now I'll just throw one of them out there. This is not the origin of the South Carolina obsession, but it is closely correlated to another bizarre obsession - my secret book lover: Nicholas Sparks.
I know, I KNOW.
But I can't help it... I read 'A Walk To Remember' when I was in the 7th grade and I cried for DAYS. You can't just walk away from something like that.
Anyways, Danielle bought me 'Nights in Rodanthe' a few years ago and I read it... all I can say is... I was a little thrown by how old they were. Not that old love is not beautiful. But. Yeah.
Of course, the location was - duh - South Carolina! And Sparks' description of the atmosphere and scenery is simply fantastic (as it is in all of his other books... which are also ALL set in SC). I would love to go and just BE there for a while.
October 5, 2008
Some people think Roger Ebert has become obsolete
Guess Who's Not Coming To Dinner
By Roger Ebert
I do not like you, John McCain. My feeling has nothing to do with issues. It has to do with common courtesy. During the debate, you refused to look Barack Obama in the eye. Indeed, you refused to look at him at all. Even when the two of you shook hands at the start, you used your eyes only to locate his hand, and then gazed past him as you shook it.Obama is my guy. If you are rude to him, you are rude to me. If you came to dinner at my house and refused to look at or speak with one of my guests, that would be bad manners and I would be offended. Same thing if I went to your house. During the debate, you were America's guest.
What was your problem? Do you hold this man in such contempt that you cannot bear to gaze upon him? Will you not even speak to him directly?
Do you think he doesn't have the right to be running for President?
Were you angry because after you said you wouldn't attend the debate, he said a President should be able to concern himself with two things at the same time? He was right. The proof is, you were there. Were you angry with him because he called your bluff?During the debate, Jim Lehrer repeatedly called upon both candidates to speak directly to each other. Obama looked at you. He addressed you as "John," which as a fellow senator is his privilege. His body language was open. You stared straight ahead, or at Lehrer, or into space. Your jaw was clinched. You had a tight little smile, or a grimace, or a little shake of your head.
I had to do two things at once while watching the debate. I had to listen to what was being said. And I had to process your rigid and contemptuous behavior. If you were at a wedding and the father of the groom refused to look at or speak to the bride, how would that make you feel? Especially if you were the father of the bride?
You made a TV commercial showing the moments Obama agreed with you.
Everybody knows he did. Did his agreement show honesty, or weakness?
It is significant that you said it proved he was not ready to lead.
What is the better leadership quality: (1) Willingness to listen to your opponent, and keep an open mind? (2) Rigidly ignoring him? Which of the two of you better demonstrated the bipartisan spirit you say you represent? Was there anything he said that you agreed with? Could you have brought yourself to say so?I'm not the only one who noticed your odd, hostile behavior. Just about everybody did. I'm sure many of your supporters must have sensed the tension. Before the debate, pundits were wondering if you might explode in a display of your famous temper. I think we saw that happen, all right, but it was an implosion. I have instructed my wife to exclude you from any future dinner parties.